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#81-200 North Bound on Lovell Road, South of Parkside Drive

Contact: Donna Jarnagin | 865-599-0803 | donnajarnagin@charter.net

81-200 North Bound: 
This bulletin is located at the east entrance to Turkey Creek, the major new West Knoxville retail development. This billboard is placed in the heart of the newest retail development in East Tennessee. Turkey Creek has two major discount supercenters as well as hundreds of retail and restaurant businesses.

LOCATION: Lovell Road, South of Parkside Drive

Latitude:  35.899860      Longitude:-84.139671

SIZE: 1 0’6 x 36’ Trivision

ILLUMINATION: 3 – 400 Watt Holophane Fixtures


Contact: Donna Jarnagin | 865-599-0803 | donnajarnagin@charter.net